Bonnell spring mattress systems are the most traditional type of innerspring mattress. The Bonnell coil has an hour glass shape (wider at the bottom and the top than the middle) and are interconnected with a mesh of metal to make the spring system. These Coils breathe because of the air between and inside of them and that means better cooling thus making the mattress more breathable. The mattress provide excellent support & are more durable than foam mattress. Spring Mattresses have a leading edge over other types of mattresses because it provides better support and comfort to your body, an innovation that changed the mindset of the bedding industry which is globally used in the hospitality industry world over. To ensure proper back support and quality sleep our mattress is made up of a minimum of 10 layers. Therefore when you buy a Boston Mattress, it will provide the basic value what a spring mattress is expected to deliver i.e. better comfort and support

A Unique Quilted Cover Includes An Inch Of Cushioning Foam.

100% Pure Sleep Grade Foam

Those Heavy Duty Gauge Coils Are Both Supportive And Durable

Relives Stress From Hips Spine, Shoulder And Neck

Proper Air Ventilation For Better Hygiene

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